To Test
You can do things like
(on agent)
zabbix_agentd -t mysql.Sort_scan
(on server)
zabbix_get -s agentip -k mysql.Sort_scan
To ensure you get output.
Add the template to a host. I actually cloned the linux template (removed the mysql process counter and LINKED the mysql template to it) .
I hope this helps.
adalah untuk cek parameter dari server yang dikirim dari client
( server mengmabil parameter ke client ) jadi cmdnya dari server
zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "system.uptime"
-s = adalah ip client
-p = adalah port client
-k = adalah parameter
adalah untuk cek parameter dari client yang dikirim keserver
( client mecek parameternya kekriim atau tidak ) jadi cmdnya di client
zabbix_sender -z -p 10051 -k "system.uptime" -o 90
Keterangan zabbix_sender :
Updated: 5 July 2011
Index Return to Main Contents
You can do things like
(on agent)
zabbix_agentd -t mysql.Sort_scan
(on server)
zabbix_get -s agentip -k mysql.Sort_scan
To ensure you get output.
Add the template to a host. I actually cloned the linux template (removed the mysql process counter and LINKED the mysql template to it) .
I hope this helps.
adalah untuk cek parameter dari server yang dikirim dari client
( server mengmabil parameter ke client ) jadi cmdnya dari server
zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "system.uptime"
-s = adalah ip client
-p = adalah port client
-k = adalah parameter
adalah untuk cek parameter dari client yang dikirim keserver
( client mecek parameternya kekriim atau tidak ) jadi cmdnya di client
zabbix_sender -z -p 10051 -k "system.uptime" -o 90
Keterangan zabbix_sender :
Section: Maintenance Commands (8)Updated: 5 July 2011
Index Return to Main Contents
zabbix_sender - Zabbix sender utility.SYNOPSIS
zabbix_sender [-hpzvIV] {-kso | [-T] -i <inputfile>} [-c <config-file>]DESCRIPTION
zabbix_sender is a command line utility for sending data to a remote Zabbix server. On the Zabbix server an item of type Zabbix trapper should be created with corresponding key. Note that incoming values will only be accepted from hosts specified in Allowed hosts field for this item.Options
- -c, --config <config-file>
- Specify agent configuration file for reading server details.
- -z, --zabbix-server <server>
- Hostname or IP address of Zabbix server.
- -p, --port <port>
- Specify port number of server trapper running on the server. Default is 10051.
- -s, --host <host>
- Specify host name as registered in Zabbix front-end. Host IP address and DNS name will not work.
- -I, --source-address <IP>
- Specify source IP address.
- -k, --key <key>
- Specify item key to send value to.
- -o, --value <value>
- Specify value.
- -i, --input-file <inputfile>
- Load values from input file. Specify - for standard input. Each line of file contains whitespace delimited: <hostname> <key> <value>. Specify - in<hostname> to use hostname from configuration file or --host argument.
- -T, --with-timestamps
- Each line of file contains whitespace delimited: <hostname> <key> <timestamp> <value>. This can be used with --input-file option. Timestamp should be specified in Unix timestamp format.
- -r, --real-time
- Send values one by one as soon as they are received. This can be used when reading from standard input.
- -v, --verbose
- Verbose mode, -vv for more details.
- -h, --help
- Display this help and exit.
- -V, --version
- Output version information and exit.
zabbix_sender -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf -s Monitored Host -k mysql.queries -o 342.45
Send 342.45 as the value for mysql.queries key in Monitored Host host using Zabbix server defined in agent daemon configuration file.
zabbix_sender -z -i data_values.txt
Send values from file data_values.txt to server with IP Host names and keys are defined in the file.
echo - hw.serial.number 1287872261 SQ4321ASDF | zabbix_sender -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf -T -i -
Send a timestamped value from the commandline to Zabbix server, specified in the agent daemon configuration file. Dash in the input data indicates that hostname also should be used from the same configuration file.
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